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Australia returns Chinese cultural objects and fossil to China


China (Baoji) International Wine Exhibition Grandly Opens


XT Starter Launchpad goes live with AIA subscriptions, 5,000,0000 AIAs snapped up in a minute


Correcting and Enhancing the Global Understanding of the Role of Condoms in Reproductive Health — the Chinese Approach


2023 China Semiconductor Materials Industry Development (Dezhou) Summit geopend in Dezhou

16 belangrijke investeringsprojecten in de nieuwe generatie informatietechnologie-industrie werden ter plaatse ondertekend


Landelijke revitalisatie Qilu-model-Elk dorp heeft een goede show

Fengletun Village, Ertun Town, Decheng District: De Kaki’s langs het kanaal zijn weer rijp


81st World Science Fiction Convention opens in Chengdu


China-Thailand Cultural Exchange: Joint Development Based on Friendship

On Oct 23rd, 2023, Yangxin County Party Committee Publicity Department and Thailand’s Chonburi Technical College conducted a wonderful online exchange to promote bilateral cultural exchanges and deepen mutual understanding. Wei Zhonglin, director of the Spiritual Civilization Section, and Li Xinrui, director of News Office, attended the event as representatives from Yangxin County Party Committee Publicity Department, while Li Hua attended the event on behalf of Chonburi Technical College.


2023 Hainan Open Promotional Video


MTG dezvăluie colecția Fujian "Fisher Women's Culture" la Săptămâna Modei de la Londra

MTG, marca de modă vizionară cunoscută pentru sustenabilitatea sa culturală, va fi în centrul atenției la London Fashion Week, dezvăluind cea mai recentă colecție a sa, Fujian "Fisher Women's Culture". Într-o vitrină încântătoare care a hipnotizat publicul, MTG a făcut legătura între tradiție și modernitate, aducând un omagiu spiritului indomabil al femeilor pescar.


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