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ONP Launches Uniswap

2020-12-17 Coinsure

Oracle Network Protocol is one aggregate decentralized oracle network. Drawing from the theoretical foundations of Chainlink and Bandprotocol, it can realize secure, smooth and efficient inter-communications between information and data of block-chain and the real world, as well as establish inter-connections between public-chain smart contracts, such as Eth, Eos, and TRON, through cross-chain technology.

In addition to inter-communications between data and information of multiple chains, ONP can also offer a series of infinitely verifiable decentralized data oracle and computing oracle services, as well as a batch of infinitely verifiable computing capacities for mainstream block-chains.

While achieving multiple technologies which can enhance overall security and scalability, inclusive of basic fragmentation, status channel, lightning network, as well as advanced scientific on-chain, off-chain and inter-chain (cross-chain) designs, ONP is also endowed with the hard-to-replicate innovative heterogeneous fragmentation technology, standing out from similar projects.

As of now, the brand-new oracle network protocol (ONP) aggregate decentralized oracle network has been launching constant advancements and plans.

2019: A series of preliminary marketing researches, conceptual verifications, establishments of core protocol prototypes and official launches of relevant projects were carried out accordingly.

2020: ONP was released and firstly applied to various scenarios, such as data transmission and computing. ONP Community kicked off official operation following by relevant basic-chain constructions and developments of various security-purposed technical tools.

2021: Partial basic functions of ONP would be successfully established. And such ONP-based circulations would provide available real data for some DApps with high-efficiency manner.

2022: ONP would achieve constructions for various data interfaces for multiple block-chain ecosystems, inclusive of Ethereum and EOS, as well as gradually deepen their dependences upon data of ONP oracle network. With the growing ONP communities and the exponential increases of nodes & light nodes therein, all data would be more reliable and cover most regions of Asia and Europe. In addition, ONP would be well circulated and operated in DEFI, insurance, stable-coin and other sectors with its growing value.

2023: It’s predicted that oracle network would become the strongest and most efficient communication bridge between the block-chain world and the real counterpart around the globe, as well as would be widely applied worldwide.

In addition of various ONP communities scattered nationwide, more than 100 similar communities have been went to all lengths to be placed in every corner of the world. At 8’clock of December 11, 2020 (Czech Time), namely 15 o’clock of December 11, 2020 (Beijing Time), the brand-new decentralized exchange-purposed Uniswap has successfully launched with the price of 50ONP per 1ETH. Notably, the price has increased into 1.35ONP ,per 1ETH by 3704% as of 15 o’clock of December 16, 2020 by experiencing 5 days.

The innovative ONP aggregate decentralized oracle network has realized non-sense interactions between the Internet and the real world.

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