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AMC global car chain with trillion market, is about to start the era of car chain network!

2020-12-25 Defi speaker

The automobile industry has gone through a hundred years of development, and the industrial pattern has gradually passed the mature stage, ushering in a new round of change. Vehicle manufacturing, parts manufacturing and other peripheral services bring together a large number of top engineering technology and huge industrial clusters, the development of these industries promote the global automotive industry innovation and upgrading, the formation of the backbone of the global manufacturing industry, but also the focus of human engineering technology.

Now that the global automotive industry is entering the era of new energy and intelligence, traditional driving models are about to be replaced by driverless and artificial intelligence, and to achieve this huge leap, it needs to be supported by credible big data. It is conceivable that, for the foreseeable future, big data will be the central driving force driving the automotive industry forward, ushering in a revolution in the industry.

Blockchain Plus big data is the key to ensuring that big data sources are reliable and data is authentic. Automotive Chain is committed to empowering the automotive industry through blockchain and big data to bring new intelligent car experiences to people, behind which the global automotive chain data assetization model is disrupting the entire industry and is expected to impact the global trillion-dollar automotive market in the future.

AMC's global car chain is across the globe

Launched by the AMC Foundation Ltd. Foundation in Singapore, AMC Global Car Chain is a blockchain-based automotive data assetization solution created by 100 industry resources worldwide. The global automotive chain will provide the underlying infrastructure for the acquisition, validation, storage, analysis and application of automotive big data with the unique, non-tamperable distributed ledger technology and anonymous privacy protection technology of blockchain technology, and build a professional big data service platform for the production (M end), after-car market (B end) and owner service (C end) of the automotive industry, and optimize the production, repair and after-sales management of the automotive industry with large data. Provide big data solutions for the public sector and third-party businesses, while providing personalized mobile services to vehicle owners.

In this era, big data is the most important means of production, like the industrial era of crude oil, the development of all industries are inseparable from the application of big data, real and effective big data has become more and more important. "Blockchain Plus" big data can realize the acquisition of big data to the application process of trust, the trusted big data into assets, through a more economical way to achieve the flow of data, so that the value of data is highlighted, bringing greater economic and social benefits.

Hit the industry pain point and subvert the development model

The current use and penetration of big data in the automotive industry is very limited, the manufacturing side of big data is not shared with each other, the service side urgently needs to be through big data to lift constraints, release the development potential; Let's sort it out, and the following pain points are at the root of the problem:

• Big data is monopolized by car companies and big Internet platforms, and data assets cannot be unleashed by individuals;

• Information asymmetry has long plagued the development of the industry, resulting in a huge barrier of trust between car owners and car companies and service providers;

• It's easy to buy a car, it's hard to make good decisions in the face of the huge after-car market;

• As cars become more and more intelligent, system safety hazards will persist for a long time, and it is very important to ensure the safety of driving.

At the heart of these problems is that the value of big data has not been unearthed, and big data cannot really empower the industry to develop, making it slow to become fully intelligent. The big data assetization solution of the global automotive chain will fundamentally solve the core problem, enable blockchain technology to build trusted big data in the industry, develop distributed artificial intelligence, and make comprehensive use of big data systems to support manufacturing, after-car services and owners; Complementary advantages are formed, and for vehicle owners, distributed artificial intelligence systems push the most suitable vehicle maintenance and repair solutions to the owner-user.

Layout trillion market, value take-off in the immediate

According to statistics, the global automotive industry's total vehicle sales, parts and automotive market value reached 5 trillion U.S. dollars, superimposed travel, logistics and other services industry, the overall market volume of 50 trillion U.S. dollars! From the scale of the industry, the impact of the automotive industry on other industries is huge, all walks of life are inseparable from the automobile. The global car chain is mainly focused on the standard automobile manufacturing industry and after-car service industry, and with the help of the automotive core industry to influence the derivatives market.

According to the development plan of the global car chain, in 2021 the technical development and intelligent contract deployment of AMC main network will be completed, the global cooperation of vehicle enterprises and parts enterprises reached 500, the five ecological AMC automotive original assembly traceability system, the global chain digital accessories mall, the global chain digital assetization platform, the global chain owner service DAPP and the automotive service provider alliance platform, and gradually completed the online operation.

At the same time, the global car chain will also actively develop the global community of car owners resources, together with the vast number of car owners to maintain the global car chain network, to provide resources. It is expected that the global car chain will initially adopt a preferential hardware promotion model to encourage owners to turn on AMC driving mining. Global car chain officials estimate that by 2021, the global chain will drive the global community to 5 million people, more than 10 million people within five years, AMC's five ecological revenue of more than 10 billion U.S. dollars.

AMC Token is the only value carrier in the global chain and will soon be traded online. Holding AMC can participate in community governance, enjoy ecological dividend airdrops, AMC big data access, ecological consumption concessions. AMC total 1 billion pieces, verification nodes will be opened through the proceeds of holding coins and promotion of mining to absorb more AMC into the mine pledge, AMC Ecology will frequently access big data, these mechanisms will significantly reduce the total amount of AMC circulation, with the AMC ecological improvement and application of increasing, AMC Token value will show a spiral.

The global car chain adopts the technology architecture and data assetization model of "blockchain plus big data", which will effectively promote the development of intelligent travel, promote the landing of big data applications, and realize the digital transformation of the industry. In addition, the project itself has a deep industrial chain foundation, rich in industrial resources, the future of the global car chain in the industry expansion space is huge. AMC opened the transaction, is expected to trigger a wave of snapping up, with the continuous progress of the project, AMC prices will continue to strengthen, become a blockchain empowerment entity star, open up the real industry digital assetization of the blue sea market! Let's look forward to it together!

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